I am Still Here

Oh MY GOD!!!

I hadn’t realized its bee so long. Shit, like I have got to start communicating more with ya’ll. Well, whoever reads this. Kool Kids in the mother F*%king!!! Okay I will keep this nice and sweet and most definitely short.

Little update for ya’ll. I moved to South Africa because honestly I was going nowhere back home in terms of like studio time and progress of even building my own. So I took a chance, saved my dollars and took the cheapest flight to OR Tambo to try make it out here.

Started as a waiter for an Italian Joint, dopest food and my manager is awesome, (he a rapper too so). Then after looking around I got my second break as a branch manager for this franchise and been there ever since. Its been a trip honestly and I am growing each step of the way.

Now about the fucking music right? I ain’t gon front its waaaaaaay past overdue to get material from me but I learnt doing my last EP years back that you have to go with your gut feeling and my gut tells me that I cannot put my creativity in the hands of another and risk my expression, my art being told by a different pair of hands, lips, ears and eyes. So I decided to educate myself in production as well as actually making beats. I am in the process of buying equipment and starting production. So please be patient with me I promise you 2017 is the year something will be catalyzed and will create a fire they cannot ignore.

Thank you for taking the time out to read this. Till next time (I will start blogging more). Talk to me through my twitter, IG, Facebook all @Keith JFK. One Love.


Keith JFK

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