Introducing The KOOL KIDS

Kool Kids 2

“You listen to Good Charlotte nigga? Damn you are such a coconut!!”

“Stop listening to J. Cole and Kendrick you can never be black, man!”

“EDM?? nigga please. Stop pretending you white, man”

“You want to be an animator? Why? Why don’t you become like an engineer or a doctor or a lawyer or something”

“Oh you’re a chartered accountant? That sounds like such a boring job, you should travel and explore the world”

“Settle down!!! Why can’t you be like your friends? They have matured”

The quotes go on and on. How many times have we compromised what we really want or who we really are to impress or be accepted by others? Shit, I know I have. Choosing a sport because it is “Cool”, wearing certain clothes because they are trending, listening to certain music because its popular. At the end of the day I wasn’t really happy.

Until I embraced who I was. I am an artist. This is who I am. I love making music and being creative in fashion and visuals. This is what I am going to do with my life. Regardless of what anyone else thinks because this is what makes me happy.

So if you love what you do or who you are and, I mean this in the most sincerest manner, do not give a fuck what everyone thinks. You are a Kool Kid. Do you. Pause. Be happy. It will not be an easy step to take to just tell everyone what you want, especially if you do not agree with their principals or ideas and you care about them, because we all want to be accepted and loved. But what really matters is your happiness. Remember happiness is a journey not a destination and the first step to your journey of happiness is being yourself.

So take the first dive.

Tell them, show them who you are. If they don’t like it. Well. Fuck them. You only have one shot at life. There are no tokens or reset buttons.

Kool Kid Keith JFK



Happy New blah blah blah.

Fast-forward. So In case you have no idea (probably don’t) of who I am. My name is Keith JFK. I am a nighties baby. I am an artist who channels his energy through creating rap music and visuals. I figured everyone has a blog and it would be Kool (yes with a “K”, all will be revealed soon)) for me to start one too. So here is my first post. So I was going through my Soundcloud inbox ((, look at that already promoting my site, the struggle. Back to the story. I was going through my Soundcloud inbox and I was reading a conversation I had with a friend and music peer of mine Zano and in 2013 I told him I’m going to be dropping a project soon. Three years later, one song. Fam. The most important lesson I learnt at that moment was that I was living in a fantasy world. I had become so caught up in what could have been I did not focus on NOW. The present. I did not lay the right foundation now for the skyscraper. I was in a nutshell, fucking around, playing myself. So enough is enough. Something has got to give.

So to all that have been playing themselves. Stop. Focus. Start today, even if it is the smallest step (like starting a blog). The sandman does not pay your bills or make your dreams come true.

Kool Kid

Keith JFK